Day 4- Boundaries
Really wanted to draw pokemon today
I opened up our ko-fi commission page today! I know I won't be getting any clients for a long time since I'm still an unknown, but it's a crazy first step for us!
Frank is now open to commisions on Ko-fi!
Managed to get alot of animations done today but not for the main project.
Had a commission request to create a twitch animated emote. Make Mosh jump up and down. Surprisingly it took me only 2 hours to complete. Honestly expected to spend the whole day on it.
Finally finished the clean and managed to add a white wash over the character! Next is to add shade and colour.
I have been distracted with twitch and creating a space to stream on. Came up with the idea of using an avatar instead of worrying about getting a webcam. Honestly, it's been so fun creating content for twitch than actually bringing myself to go stream..
Started this project 5 days ago but decided to force myself to blog to keep going with this project.
Project: Elden Ring Fan animation
Completed character sheets of the 4 main characters. Played co-op with 3 others and it was so fun. Project idea is to bring these events to life and highlight some of our top moments.